Friday, September 19, 2008

Moving to a dedicated server

And we're getting ready to move to a dedicated server.

I took this call, since I did not want to have to move the website when it is drawing crowds. It will increase our monthly costs, but I'm willing to take that cost in. Afterall, this is our primary link with our customers, and we want it to be a good quality one.

The vendor I went with, is softlayer, and so far, I'm happy with their services. I went ahead with a plesk control panel, and it is doing the job just right. It was not too difficult to pickup. I initally thought I'll avoid a control panel, and try configuring right at the operating system level - but I realized I was spending too much time in trying to administer the website. My recommendation - go ahead with a control panel such as plesk or CPanel.

likebucks will be moving to its dedicated server on the coming monday. Exciting.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Requirements: he said/she said

Now that our website development is coming closer to completion, conversations about the finer details of the requirements ensue. Mind you- not always the pleasant type of conversation! The conversations would typically revolve around what was agreed upon & what costs more.
Eg- if we said users can write comments, did we mention that they can edit their own comments?
I can now understand how disconnects between the requirements writers ( who want it all) & requirements implementers ( who tend to take a minimalist approach- especially in a fixed price scenario), take place.

Nonetheless we've been through some rounds of discussions, & trust between us was maintained through to the end. I do believe trust is an important part in any long term relationship.
So we have been able to make it through & maintain a great relationship too.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Beta comes alive

After many-many days of dreaming, designing & negotiating, likebucks has a decent beta version uploaded.

I was delighted to go online & see the work my developers had done. They had put up many of the features I had wanted without much hand holding and it was just the best feeling to see my dreams turn into something tangible

I met someone this afternoon for an entirely different purpose but I couldn't help mentioning likebucks and the fact that a Beta release had gone live!
Of course the reaction I got was like who??

Anyway now that the beta version is up I can walk prospectives through the site- Be they prospective investors customers or employees.
I saw a group called 'the vacationeers' online who have made hilarious videos about google products. So I contacted them & asked them to make something for me too. Lets see if that gets somewhere

Exciting times lie ahead!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Senseq Inc

And we're becoming an LLC (Limited Liability Company).

After a long, long time of putting this decision off, I finally went ahead and decided that I have to take this step.
Being an H1-B visa holder, I did not know whether I can indeed setup my organization in the US. I finally got confirmation from a friend that it is legal to setup my own company as an LLC (or even a C-Corp) in the US, as long as I'm a passive owner. I can appoint an active manager to handle the running of the company.

So I went on to, paid them a hefty $700 to quick-create an LLC for me. They have a straight-forward questionnaire to create the company, and their telephone-support was knowledgeable and could answer all my questions.

I have appointed a US Citizen whom I know well, to manage the company.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Vendor Milestones

So my vendor had promised to deliver html versions of all the pages as of yesterday.

No news.

Asked him for an update. No response. Though, I had received a brief update sometime back - not a completed task, but a bit of work nonetheless. They had completed most of the admin control panel.

Hmm. Well, I have a contact down-under who needs a website developed too. I dangle the carrot in front of the vendors - "I have more projects for you guys" - lets see if performance and updates improve?

Also, I have setup a delivery SLA with the vendors. In case of delays in submitting the final work, they will be penalized $10 a day after the first week.
Not substantial - but there's also a $10 bonus for every day they complete sooner than schedule.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

... and we're going to launch

The last couple of months have been a real whirlwind.

Not only have I been super busy with regular work and the usual personal life events, I have been busy trying to find someone who can partner with me to setup the website.

another person working on this with me could lend valuable advice & shoulder some responsibility. there are many aspects to a startup & going all the way without prior startup experience doesn't sound smart.

enter arvind.

an indian who has been in the US for sometime, who has an idea of the market for my idea
& who has started up companies before.
he seems an ideal person to join hands with.

he has already helped me finalize details with a vendor & we should see a tangible product by the end of the month.

woo hoo!

- mobile blog
So I did

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The First Baby Step

One thing that will help me get a taste of entrepreneurship is consulting.

I've rented out my apartment today. Don't know where I'll be staying a week from now.

Sounds exciting!

I have a project lined up at Rhode Island with my current employer; but will I be going there? Or will I be taking up an assignment with one of the consulting companies - I really don't know.
It's pretty exciting, since I don't know where I will be, and who I will be working for next week onwards.

Another thought- getting rid of the apartment was quite an ordeal - I think I have learnt a little about negotiating and making sure both parties are happy with the deal (Think win/win Mr.Covey?)

So what's the plan

So world, the entrepreneur bug has caught me.
I am an IT guy - yes go ahead and label me. But I am keen on starting a website that will change the way the US shops!
So - yes - I want to start the next big dotcom - and i have (what I call) a great idea up my sleeve
Heres my plan:
1. Work like a regular guy for a year and make a biz plan at the same time. Also prep the GMAT and MBA apps.
2. Get people to pledge $$ for my great idea
3. Do my mba
4. Use my new network to startup